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Starting a Starter
Sourdough Starter Primer

This is part of our "Sourdough Starter Primer" on this page we talk about how sourdough starters work, and what you're doing when you start a sourdough starter. If you're in too much of hurry to read this and want to just make a starter, there are links to three tried and true methods of starting starters on the bottom of this page and in the menu.

This is the most hit upon page at our site. A lot of people think if they can just start a good starter, they'll have mastered the art of sourdough. And if you look for sourdough starters on Google, chances are good that you'll wind up here. On this and three associated pages we'll talk about how to start a starter. However, having a good starter won't make you a good sourdough baker any more than having a hot race car will make you a great racer. Sure, a racer needs a good car to win, and a baker needs a good culture to make good sourdough bread, but you need to know what to do with your tools to get the most out of them. So, I hope you'll look around here and pick up some techniques and maybe some recipes too! I hope you'll also look at the pages that talk about maintaining a starter, using a starter, storing a starter and reviving a starter. Together, those pages in the Sourdough Starter Primer will really help you get going with your exploration of sourdough.

I cannot over-emphasize that the best way to get started in sourdough is with a known good starter. It eliminates so many of the variables as you embark on your sourdough journey. And this is even truer if you aren't an experienced baker - you're just fighting too many battles at once.

If you don't have any baking experience, I suggest you get some before you start down the sourdough path. I've put together a painless introduction to baking that can have you baking in less than a day. Please give it a try.

If you are a sourdough beginner, I strongly encourage you to get a known good starter. Perhaps from a friend who also can help answer your sourdough questions. If you don't have a friend who is a sourdough baker, you might get a starter from a commercial source such as Sourdoughs International, or King Arthur Flour, or Northwest Sourdough; or from a non-profit source, such as the Friends of Carl, who make the excellent Carl Griffith's 1847 Oregon Trail starter available for the cost of a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

While I strongly encourage sourdough beginners to get a known good starter, sooner or later, most sourdough fans want to start their own starter. In looking over the emails from the past decade, I have seen patterns emerge. A careful reading suggests most of my correspondents weren't using the techniques I describe on these pages. They used someone else's techniques. Maybe from a web site, maybe from a book, maybe from a friend's advice. And they dropped me a note because the starter wasn't starting. My instructions do work. They've worked for all but a small handful of people who have tried them - the ones who don't follow instructions very well. So, I am sure if you'll take the time to read, understand and follow the instructions, you'll get a good starter with any of the three methods I discuss. The rest of this page discusses some of the underlying mechanisms that are involved in capturing a sourdough starter. I think reading this will help you understand what you are doing, and why.

The mythology of sourdough is that you are capturing yeast from the air. However, there are many reasons to believe that doesn't happen very often. When people use sterilized flour and water to try to catch a culture, it fails much more often than not. When they don't use sterilized ingredients, it almost always works. In short, the flour has wild yeast in it, and chances are you are providing the lactobacillus from your skin. All you need to do is encourage their growth.

A few years back the lot behind our house was being sold. We decided to buy it. The lot was a vacant, untended lot in our hometown. It was a weed patch. And it was aggravating the neighbor's sinuses. When the neighbors found out we had bought it, they hinted it was time SOMEONE started taking care of the lot. We really didn't want to sod the lot, nor did we want to seed it. A bit of reading, and we had our strategy in hand. We weren't shooting for a lawn that could be featured in a gardening magazine, just something that would be OK and not make the neighbors sick.

The grasses people cultivate like to be watered often, so we ran a hose to the lot behind our house and started watering the lot regularly. Next, most weeds like to grow tall, so we started mowing the lot as often as we mowed our own lawn. Our mower is a mulching mower, and the theory is that a mulching mower will destroy weed seeds and chop the grass and weeds so finely they would decompose and quickly act as fertilizer. When we had some fertilizer or weed'n'feed left over from our yard, we'd put it on the back lot.

The first year we did this, the lot was better largely because we were knocking the tops off the weeds. The second year, we started having grass move in from the neighbors lots. Each year there were fewer weeds and more grass. It never became a candidate for inclusion in a gardening magazine, but it was far from the worst lot in town.

You're probably wondering why I told that story. Honestly, it is the best analogy to starting a sourdough starter I have been able to come up with. And it IS a true story. When you use whole grain rye or wheat flour, the flour is covered with a LOT of microorganisms. We're interested in two of them, yeast and lactobacillus bacteria. When we mix flour and water, and keep adding more flour and water we are encouraging the critters that we want to take over the starter. By creating a hospitable environment, the critters we want will inevitably take over the culture. However, just as in the back lot, you are never completely rid of weeds, or the unwanted microorganisms. As long as you keep the conditions in your starter favorable, the unwanted critters will be kept under control. But, just as in the back lot, if you stop treating the starter right the unwanted critters can take over.

That story makes it sound like a straightforward process for both the yard and the starter. Sadly, it isn't. Stray weeds can take over the yard. Keep watering and mowing, and they go away. Similarly, when a starter starts there is no assurance that the right microorganisms will be the first ones out of the gate to take over the culture, and that they'll keep control over the starter. As noted above, whole grain flour has many, many microorganisms on it, and we're really only interested in two of them.

I've gotten a lot of emails from people whose starter took off in 12 hours or less, only to fizzle out the next day and do nothing. The answer here is to keep feeding the starter twice a day. I've had emails from people whose starter smelled awful. Again, the answer is to keep feeding the starters. When the right critters take over the first thing they do is kill off the wrong ones, and after a slight lull the starter starts smelling better and begins acting like a starter should. In general, I wouldn't dream of using a starter that won't double itself between feedings and that is less than a week old. If the secret of baking is patience, the secret of sourdough baking is even more patience.

A number of recent emails report that their starter grows mold on the side of the container about 4 days into the process. I've never had this happen. It is very important to feed your starter as much, and as often, as the instructions call for.

In any of the methods we use to start a starter, some starter is discarded. The amount of food that is added to a starter is proportional to the amount of starter you are maintaining. The growth is always a geometric progression. If you don't discard some of the starter, the amount of starter you have will grow beyond belief. If you are using the "Starter Mike's Way" method, which doubles the starter every 12 hours, you will have enough starter to fill a swimming pool in about 10 days. The other methods aren't much more thrifty. To keep the quantity of starter from getting totally out of control, the answer is to discard some of the starter before each feeding. Many people, like me, don't like discarding food. And the starter IS flour and water. So, here's my advice. If your starter is stable, it is fine to save the starter you would otherwise discard. I suggest refrigerating it. If your starter is too new to be stable, there is no telling what bacteria are running rampant in it. While that immature starter may be safe, I can't recommend saving the immature starter when you are first starting a starter.

Some people suggest using fruit, such as grapes; vegetables, such as cabbage; or even commercial baker's yeast to help start a culture. That's not necessary. In fact, it slows things down. You see, the yeast on grapes or cabbage are the ones that thrive on grapes or cabbages, rather than the yeast that thrive in wheat or rye flour. As mentioned in the "What IS sourdough?" FAQ, baker's yeast won't survive in a starter. What you want is yeast that will thrive and survive in a grain-based-sourdough starter. So, just use the yeast and lactobacillus that are already on the grain. You'll enjoy the grapes and cabbage a lot more than your sourdough culture will.

A recurring question with regard to a sourdough starter is what sort of water may be used with it. Many people insist that sourdough starter can be killed by chlorinated water. Others say that sourdough can be maintained on chlorinated water but that it cannot be started with chlorinated water. In my experience, chlorinated water has not been a problem. I have started, fed and used starters with chlorinated water with no problems. However, I have heard that the more persistent forms of chlorine used by some cities, such as chloramine, can cause problems.

In general, if your tap water smells and tastes good it will probably work well with sourdough. If you have problems with your starter, you may want to try using dechlorinated water. Since few home filters will remove chlorine from water, and from what I am told neither boiling nor standing will remove chloramine, I suggest that you try bottled water if you are experiencing what you think might be water related problems with your sourdough. Use spring water or drinking water, NOT distilled water. Distilled water has no minerals in it, and the minerals in spring water and drinking water really help the starter. There are other water issues, which we discuss in the water section of the All About Ingredients page.

The last "big question" we'll cover here is one that all beginning sourdough bakers want answered, "How will I know when my starter is ready to use?" There are two tests I use for a new starter. (1) I wouldn't use a starter that is less than one week old. Before then, there are probably too many strange critters in the starter. I discussed the progression of microorganisms in a Mike's (more or less) Weekly Baking Tips newsletter. The article is now in the breadblog also. (2) I wouldn't use a starter that can't double in size between feedings. With the thickness of the three starters I recommend, if they can't double themselves in size between feedings, they can't raise your bread either. This last test does not apply to thinner starters, starters where you are using more water (or less flour) to feed them. I don't recommend thinner starters for beginners, as things tend to happen too quickly with these starters. They can go from happy to distressed in a day. Thicker starters give you more time to figure out what's going on and correct the matter.

We are showcasing three different ways of starting starters. Links to these methods are in the menu  and are repeated below. All of these ways of starting starters work, and in the end the results are very similar and the processes have a lot in common. In each case, the baker creates an environment that is favorable to the growth of sourdough-friendly-yeast and sourdough bacteria. As the yeast and bacteria grow, they displace competing organisms. Or, they use a variation on the three guidelines I suggest.

The three ways that we'll talk about are a method that Professor Calvel describes in his book, "The Taste of Bread", the Desem technique that Laurel Robertson describes in "The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book", and finally my own method which is derived from many discussions in the Usenet newsgroup  No matter which process  you select, keep feeding your starter for at least a week at room temperature to give it time to mature.


23 thoughts on “Starting A Starter”

  1. Frederick Jackson

    I again ready to make my starter..ive tried and been successful and also have failed. reading your comments gave me an aha moment..ive been using processed flours…ready for a new start and the starter..wish me be continued.

    1. I’ve maintained many a starter with refined flour – no problem. The key is to understand that your starter is a living thing and needs to be fed regularly. I prefer to feed my starters twice daily, and feed them enough to double them in size. To 50 grams of starter, I add 25 grams each of flour and water. Half a day later, I have 100 grams of starter. I can feed that 50 grams each of flour and water, or discard all but 50 grams and feed that 25 grams each flour and water.

      Hope that helps,

  2. Pingback: Overnight No Knead Sourdough Rye Bread

  3. Hi Mike, I’ve been wanting to try making a sourdough starter for a while now and have been reading lots of information all over the Internet. Thank you for explaining it in a way one can understand the why and the how rather than just the method. I do have a question though: here in Chennai, India, the ambient room temperature is rather warm (90-100F on any given day)—would this affect how often you feed the starter? Also I read somewhere that it might be a good idea to refrigerate it during the day when it’s really hot and put it out only in the evenings? What would you suggest? This question is for the initial process of making the starter..once I have it ready I plan to keep it refrigerated anyway.
    Thanks, Sreedevi.

    1. Hi Sreedevi, thanks for your note. I don’t know that I have an answer for you, but I do admire your problem.

      Sourdough is very adaptable and works all over the world. However, your room temperature is at the upper end of the temperature range that sourdough will tolerate. If it gets much hotter, it can start to produce off-tastes, and after that, the heat can kill it. Still, people in Egypt have been using sourdough since the time of the building of the pyramids, and their temperatures are also extreme, and this was well before the invention of refrigeration or air conditioning, so it should be possible to work in the temperature range you mention.

      More often than I care to admit, I’ve found if I over think things and prepare for problems I imagine might occur, the problems don’t occur and I’ve wasted a lot of time worrying. So, I’d start by just following the guidelines in Sourdough Home and seeing if they work. If they do, thank your lucky stars and move on to baking. If they don’t then it is time for more thought and experimentation. If it doesn’t work, let me know and we can work on tailoring your methods for your environment.


      1. Thank you so much Mike 🙂 It’s honestly so nice to hear from someone so experienced that sometimes we don’t know all the answers and it’s okay to just go ahead and try.
        I think I’m going to do just that! I started my starter last evening; let’s see how it goes! Fingers crossed! I will definitely post here once I have an update.

        1. Oh my! My starter had risen (doubled) in a little over 12 hours and then I fed it as per your instructions here. Now in less than 3 hours since the feed, it has tripled in volume ?. I realised I chose one of the hottest parts in the kitchen so I’m going to move it to a cooler room altogether and then see what happens.

          1. Many beginners see this initial activity and think,”Oh yeah! People say a week, or two weeks, but I’m there in just a day!” Sadly, no. The first flush of activity is usually a psuedococcous bacteria which won’t raise bread dough. It will acidify the starter and set the stage for Leuconostoc bacteria which also can’t raise bread dough. Again, they acidify the starter to the point where they can’t survive which sets the stage for the third wave of bacteria, sourdough bacteria, to take over.

            The change between Leuconostoc and sourdough bacteria usually happens around day 3. This is often the point where people give up because it is where the starter stops rising. “OH! I’ve killed it!” is a common response. If you keep feeding it, all will be well.

            Good luck,

  4. Thank you! Yes, I’m continuing to feed it every 12 hours and it seems to be regularly rising in between feeds; I will continue as suggested and hope for the best. I’m just getting to Day 3.


    1. Belinda Everman

      I was enjoying reading about you starting your starter. It’s been over a week or so since you last replied, do you have any updates on your starter?

  5. Sreedevi, just wondering how your starter went after day three?
    Feels like we are on a cliffhanger and I want to hear the final episode!
    Hope you got to bake something,

  6. Love this website. I’ve had several starters from Sourdough International that I have kept over the years that I ended up neglecting and losing. I’ve attempted to start my own before with poor luck and I think your clarification that it’s not wild yeast from the air, but yeast in the flour that we are cultivating helps to explain why I might have failed in the past. That and I didn’t give it enough time to stabilize. The quarantine has inspired me to try my hand at starting from scratch again and with the insight I’ve gained from your site I’m optimistic! I actually started two weeks ago. We keep our house on the cooler side so I keep it in the oven with the light on to keep it at a more optimal temp. On day three, just as it was starting to show activity, my wife in a frenzy to get dinner started completely missed the Post It note I had on the oven controls and she successfully baked my starter…so last week I tried again. On day 3…just as it was starting to show activity…yep she did it again. I was pretty annoyed and then I felt bad because she felt worse about it than I realized. So today I’m back at day 3 and all seems to be going well. I’m going to change my procedures a little based on some of your techniques and I think it will help. It is starting to get that sour acidic smell and the bubbles are slowly starting to come. I’m using equal parts of starter, water and flour by volume instead of weight so it is quite thin. I’m going to switch to weight and see how it works. Thanks for documenting your experience for the rest of us bread lovers!

    1. Sadly, relatives are often the hardest variable to constrain. When I put something in the oven to warm, I take precautions. When we had an older style oven where the oven was controlled by knobs, I’d remove the knobs and pout them in the oven next to the starter, dough or whatever was rising. With newer style ovens, I use a sheet of printer paper, print the word “NO!” on it in the largest font and then use the paper to cover the oven’s controls. So far, I’ve been lucky.

      There are other places to put the starter. I have a Brod and Taylor proofing box that I like a lot. Some people put a cup of water in their microwave, bring it to a boil, and then put the starter or bread in the microwave. A last option, a few friends have told me the top of a refrigerator is warmer than the rest of the kitchen, so you can put your starter or bread on top of the refrigerator to rise – since I’ve not needed that tip I’ve not tried it. Let me know if it works for you.

      If you can’t weigh yet, 1/2 cup of water weighs about 120 grams, as does a cup of flour.

      Good luck, and remember to keep feeding your starter!

  7. Hi there! Thank you for all the info on sourdough starters! I am currently on day 7, with little to no activity since day 3. On the first day, it rose and fell beautifully. After that, nothing. I didn’t know not to use tap water until day 4. Then I switched to bottled. Did I accidentally kill my starter? Should I start again? Or continue with feeding this one? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading!

    1. Hi Theresa,

      It is very common for a starter to stall around day 4. The first day when it rose, it was due to microorganisms we don’t want to use and which didn’t have the strength to raise bread. Yeah, it could raise a starter, but not bread. We talk about the switch over of microorganisms in this post.

      Around day 4 is where we lose a lot of sourdough beginners. The starter smells bad. The starter has stalled. It is discouraging, but normal. And the answer is to keep feeding it. It will almost certainly be OK. The smells will be tamed, the starter will again show activity.

      While it is OK to use bottled water, you want a drinking water or spring water, not a distilled water. Distilled water doesn’t have the minerals that your starter will need. Honestly, I’ve never felt a need to use bottled water to feed my sourdough and I’ve made sourdough and bread all around the country. I’ve heard that there are a few places that use a lot of chloramine in the water where using bottled water is a good idea, but other bakers from those cities tell me they have no problems. The answer is, again, to keep feeding the starter.

      Let us know how it works out,

  8. Rosemary Burton

    Hi Mike – I’m newish to sourdough bread baking but believe it will help as I have IBS. I started a starter last year but didn’t produce any bread I thought was worth eating – not much rise and went hard after 24 hours or so. I am having another go and have retrieved my starter from the back of the ‘fridge. No mould on it and no liquid either. It smells pleasantly yeasty and has the consistency of fresh yeast that I used to buy from the baker. Having read various bits of info about reviving a starter my idea is to bring a portion (maybe a half cup) to room temperature and then add the same amount of warm water and flour. I’d be interested in what you think and if you have encountered this which just resembles conventional fresh yeast! Any helpful comments for this novice sourdough baker please??

    1. Hi Rosemary,
      Your description sounds about right. Unfed starter becomes firmer and grayer. It may, or may not, have liquid on top.

      As to your plans for reviving it, may I suggest you look at our page dedicated to Reviving a Long Neglected Starter? Your description of the breads you made makes me wonder if your starter was all that good a year ago. If reviving the starter doesn’t work, or if you still don’t make bread you like, it is easy to start a new starter.

      Good luck,

  9. Hello! Thank you for all your advice and guidance. I’m enjoying this process! I’ve not been tracking timings exactly but I’m about Day 4 and my starter is behaving as you’ve said often they do at this stage (no longer rising reliably). I’m a bit confused now with whether I should be feeding it again even though it’s not rising, or giving it more time until it rises and then resuming the feeding. It’s been 24 hours since I last fed it and is clearly an unstable starter. I’ve seen you advise slightly different actions in different places on your site, so I’m not sure whether to feed it or not at this point while it has stalled.

    Also, if you do advise to feed it when it’s stopped rising should I be reducing the starter volume before the feed in spite of it having stalled (and even gotten smaller – it rose and then reduced).

    Thanks so much for your tips!

    1. Hi Jessica,
      It’s somewhat counterintuitive to not feed a starter, since the usual meme is, “Feed it! Feed it often! Feed it lots!” In truth, in most cases less damage is caused by feeding a starter than by not feeding a starter.

      However, when it is has been happily bubbling and slows down, it’s time to think about it. If this is when you are starting a starter, or when you are switching a starter from whole grain to white flour, things may not be the way they usually are. When you feed the starter, your are diluting the concentration of microorganisms. This is true whether or not you are discarding some of the starter. If you keep feeding the starter, it may not be able to get a high enough a concentration of microorganisms to be really active. So, in these cases, I suggest skipping a feeding to give the microorganisms a chance to catch up. A quick note – you should not be refrigerating your starter at this point!

      Happy baking!

  10. Hi! I just found your site and am happily/optimistically looking around. I have a starter that is several years old, and I obtained it from someone who has used it quite a bit longer. I baked successfully from it 2-3 weeks ago, and then the next bake did not rise well. I have been feeding this baby twice a day for maybe 5 days now? it bubbles but does NOT double, nowhere close. I have added rye flour, stirred it between feedings, and looked at it at 6 hrs, 12, hrs, 18 hrs — it is just not rising.

    Should I begin over again? Maybe ask around for a started starter? I’m traveling beginning in three days, and my plan was to rev this starter up and then freeze some and put some in the refrigerator. But now I’m wondering if I should just begin again when I return. It’s so mysterious, based on all I’ve been reading! I’ve recently changed flour, but it’s king arthur, so I think that should be ok

    thanks for any advice!

    1. Hi Nicole,
      If it works for you, that’s great, keep on keeping on! However, most folks tell me that distilled water did not work for them.

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